Once upon a time, in a bustling city filled with colorful houses and friendly people, lived a curious little girl named Anya. Anya loved to explore her neighborhood and solve puzzles. One sunny afternoon, while playing in her backyard, Anya noticed that her favorite marble was missing. She searched high and low, but she couldn’t find it anywhere.

Feeling disappointed, Anya decided to use her problem-solving skills to find her lost marble. She started by retracing her steps. She remembered playing near the old oak tree, so she went back to the spot. She looked carefully on the ground, but there was no sign of the marble.

Anya then thought about the other places she had been. She remembered going to the park to feed the ducks. She rushed to the park and searched under the benches and around the pond. Still, no marble.

Just when Anya was about to give up, she remembered something else. She had been playing with her friends in the sandbox. She hurried back home and started digging through the sand. After a few minutes of digging, she saw a glimmer of light. There it was! Her beloved marble, buried deep in the sand.

Anya was so happy to have found her marble. She learned a valuable lesson that day: when faced with a problem, it’s important to think carefully and use your problem-solving skills. With a little patience and persistence, you can find a solution.


The Curious Case of the Missing Marble

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1. What did Anya learn from the experience?

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2. What lesson can you learn from this story?

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3. What is the setting of the story?

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4. What is the main idea of the story?

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5. What is the conflict in the story?

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6. What happened to Anya's marble?

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7. What is the tone of the story?

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8. What did Anya love to do?

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9. How did Anya try to find her marble?

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10. What is the resolution of the story?

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11. What was Anya's favorite toy?

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