In a bustling city, lived a curious boy named Maged. Maged loved to play video games and spend hours online. One day, while exploring the internet, he stumbled upon a website that taught people how to create their own websites.

Maged was fascinated. He spent countless hours learning how to code, experimenting with different programming languages, and building his own websites. His parents were amazed at his talent and encouraged him to pursue his passion.

As Maged’s skills grew, he started creating websites for his friends and family. He even built a website for his school’s sports team. Word of his talent spread, and soon, people from all over the city were asking him to create websites for them.

Maged’s small business quickly grew into a thriving enterprise. He hired a team of talented developers and designers to help him with his projects. Maged’s websites were known for their creativity, functionality, and user-friendly design.

Maged’s journey from a curious boy to a successful web entrepreneur showed that with hard work, dedication, and a passion for learning, anyone can achieve their dreams.


Maged the Master Coder

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1. What is the main idea of the story?

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2. Who encouraged Maged to pursue his passion?

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3. What is the setting of the story?

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4. What did Maged's websites become known for?

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5. What did Maged create websites for?

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